By LauraB

Christmas Barn Mini Shoots


I’m so excited to be offering Christmas Mini Shoots for the very first time!

You will be welcomed to the beautiful barn in Chalfont St Peter, filled with Christmas trees and twinkly lights! The barn is privately owned so we will have exclusive access meaning you can relax, get cosy and be present with your favourite people while I capture beautiful photographs of your family in the festive season.

Christmas Barn Mini Shoot

Mini Shoots are the perfect amount of time for your little ones, our time together will be lead by them and I will encourage you all to have fun and play games together. This creates natural, authentic images that capture the magic of your family and the spirit of the season, celebrating togetherness and connection.

 Christmas Barn Mini Shoots are a great opportunity to update your family photographs as well as making the perfect Christmas gifts for your family, that’s the xmas pressies sorted!

Christmas Barn Mini Shoots are suitable for families up to 6 members. If you would like an extended family session (up to 12 people) please book 2 adjoining time slots to allow enough time.

I would love to see you there! Here are the details:


(£50 deposit is required at the time of booking to reserve your time slot, the remaining £145 is due on the day of your mini shoot)






20 minute mini shoot followed by hot chocolates and marshmallow toasting (if the weather permits)

5 fully edited digital images (chosen by you from your password protected online gallery)

Option to purchase additional images, your full gallery and personalised Christmas cards

Please get in touch for available time slots and to book your

Christmas Barn Mini Shoot.


Laura x

Blossom Mini Shoots

I’m really excited to be offering Blossom Mini Shoots….

There’s so much beauty in the first days of spring, the perfect time to explore nature with your loved ones while I capture some beautiful portraits for you amoungst the blooms.

The mini shoots are £195 (£30 of which is required as a deposit at the time of booking to reserve your time slot) and includes the following:

20 minute mini shoot

5 fully edited digital images

(chosen by you from your password protected online gallery)



9.15 am

10.00 am

10.45 am

If you have any questions or would like to book a Blossom Mini Shoot, please get in touch!

Laura x

‘These Are The Days’ Films

The keepsake films I have created of my girls are so special to me that I really wanted to be able to do something similar for you and your family to treasure. I’m really excited to offer ‘These are the days’ films where I create three films over your baby’s first year. Mama, Laura, chose a Maternity, Newborn and One Year Film for her little boy, Tomas, here is the story of his first year from a baby bump to his first birthday. If you would like me to film special moments for your family please get in touch, I would love to hear from you!

Newborn Film | Maisie

Michelle got in touch with me when she was pregnant with her second child, she had seen her friend’s Newborn Film that I had done a few months earlier and said that as soon as she saw it she knew she wanted one when her new baby arrived! We booked a date and I visited them at their home after baby Maisie was born, Maisie spent the morning having lots of lovely cuddles and kisses with her family and I was there to capture it!

I sent Michelle her finished film this morning and received a lovely response: “Wow, it’s absolutely perfect! We can’t stop watching it! You’ve captured so many beautiful moments of us as a family of four and all in the comfort of our own home! Thank you so so much!!”

I’ve been working towards offering films for a few years now and it makes me very happy to know that you love them as much as I do! If you would like more information or would like your own Newborn Film please get in touch!

DIY Maternity Shoot Tips

For the Mamas-to-be who aren’t able to have professional Maternity Photographs taken at the moment……

A few of you have mentioned that you would like to take some phone pictures at home so I have put together some tips to help you get the best results.

For a light, soft look natural light it’s really important so shoot the images in the room with the best light. Try to avoid harsh light when it is shining directly into the room and turn off any artificial lights as they will create a yellow colour cast.

Shoot from slightly above eye level for a flattering angle and clear any distracting objects from the background so the focus is on you and your bump!

Shoot in Portrait Mode on your phone and lift the exposure if it looks too dark as camera phones tend to under expose (usually a sun icon which appears when you’re taking a photograph)

You can use an editing app to edit your phone images, I like to use VSCO

A soft colour palette works really well for Maternity photographs, layering a knitted cardigan or embroidered/patterned kimono over a simple dress or vest top looks great. Floaty dresses work really well and it’s worth painting your nails for close ups of your hands on your bump. If you would like more intimate shots try pretty underwear with a cardigan/kimono over the top

Your bedroom is a lovely place to take a few Maternity photographs. Light coloured, plain bedding works really well to create a neutral background which won’t detract from your bump

Standing side on to your window can create a lovely simple image and really shows off your pregnant shape, try this when the light through the window is soft, not harsh sunlight

Don’t forget to take some close ups too and some of your bare bump if you would like to. These are best taken near a window, if you stand side on to the window the light and shade will really accentuate the form of your beautiful bump

If you have other children it can be great to include them in a few images, make it fun and try having them sitting up on your bump or kissing your tummy!

If you have pretty flowers in your garden they can make a great backdrop, try taking outdoor shots at golden hour (the hour before sunset) for beautiful lighting

I hope these tips are helpful, please feel free to message me if you have any questions at all. After this time has passed I can’t wait to photograph all the amazing bumps again, I’m missing it so much.

Lots of love, Laura xx

Hitchin Lavender Mini Shoots


I’m so excited to be offering mini shoots this summer at the beautiful lavender fields in Hitchin, it makes the most gorgeous backdrop and is a lovely day out! You can see more about the lavender fields here.

The mini shoots will take place on Sunday 7th July and these are the times available:

10.00 am (booked)

10.35 am (booked)

11.10 am (booked)

11.45 am

12.20 pm

12.55 pm

1.30 pm

The mini shoots are £195 (£30 of which is required as a deposit at time of booking to reserve your time slot) which includes the following:

Entry to the lavender field for you and your family (up to 2 adults and 3 children) includes bag and scissors for lavender picking!

20 minute mini shoot

10 fully edited digital images sent to you in an online password protected gallery ready for you to download

If you have any questions or would like to book a mini shoot please get in touch through my contact page, I hope you can join me!

Laura xxx

Happy Easter!

So,  you may have noticed that I’ve been a bit quiet lately and there is a reason why……we have another little bunny on the way, due in August!  We’re really excited and now that the sickness has passed (fingers crossed!) it should be onwards and upwards from here.  Pregnancy has been a bit different this time around, not so much time for rest and pregnancy yoga (I didn’t enjoy that enough!) and more time spent chasing after a toddler!  Hetty says ‘there’s a baby in Mummy’s tummy’ and likes to kiss and tickle my bump, she’s been extra caring towards me and keeps telling me to be careful!!….funny how little ones seem to have some kind of instinct about it all.

I’ll be shooting Maternity, Newborn and Family sessions up until the end of May so please get in touch if you would like to do a shoot before I go on maternity leave.

Hope you all have a great Easter and eat lots of chocolate!

Lots of love,

Laura xx

Chelsea Town Hall Wedding

Happy Anniversary weekend to this gorgeous pair!

This time last year they were tying the knot at Chelsea Town Hall and celebrating with their closest friends and family……and their daughter Florence, the cutest little flower girl I ever did see! After the ceremony we took a walk to Albert Bridge for some couple shots, it was pretty magical….

‘The Pack’

Meet little Oliver, the latest addition to this lovely family and fifth member of ‘the pack’! I love how Dad, Stuart, described them as that when he spoke about them all sleeping in the bed together, ‘that’s how it should be, we’re a pack!’

I’ve photographed my friend Emily and her family a few times over the years and have loved documenting them grow to a family of five.  Little Oliver is a lucky boy to have such great big brothers.  My heart melted a little when I asked the eldest, Noah, his favourite thing about Oliver and he answered ‘everything!’  These boys are going to have some fun growing up together!